Funnier Than a 25yo virgin

Funnier Than a 25yo virgin
that still lives with his mother


Lots of rudeness, crudeness, and not nice words below

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


tux> frosty is probably also: ImFrosty monkey FirmToys Maltese_poodle Cake ImaGuy Vladimir Dr_Frosty Himself DailyFixx ImHorny ImHorny9inches ImWhack Iwant1Too MoTsa Tjips PorkTjops Lord_Nelson Edward_Teach ImGhei ImHot FatAssUgly_MoFo FuglyMoFo DontPvtMe SoreAss FreeMe ImGay DilliGaf BullDog Toit Ima_Rake Ima_Clutchie WO The_Surgeon ImaShark Mr_Skank Sir_Skank JMSP ILikeToFluck Johnny_Bravo Frosty1000 Frosty999 _Frosty999 CarcharodonCarcharias Great_Wh
honey> shew
Pagan> um
Pagan> frosty dude
Pagan> your choice in nicks has a decidedly homoerotic undertones
Munchkin> Lol
ImFrosty> lolololo
Tandy> Undertones?
Pagan> umm
Pagan> well it is subtle
Pagan> but I'm getting that impression
Tandy> Mr Skank is subtle?
ImFrosty> lololol
ImFrosty> Sir skank
Tandy> ImHorny9inches <-- Subtle?
Munchkin> Lol
Tandy> SoreAss <-- And we won't even ask about this one :P
Pagan> hahaha
Pagan> pretty self explanatory
Pagan> must've been camping weekend
Munchkin> Tandy we would hate to see blatent by pagans standards
Tandy> lol
Tandy> Pagan has standards?
Tandy> That's new to me :P
Pagan> yesz
Pagan> vague ones
Munchkin> Lol
Pagan> but they there
Tandy> LOL
* OW has joined #hottub
* OW sings (in a deep and rich baritone) ... Happy Birfday to Yooooooooooooooo....
Pagan> just dont ask him what he wants for his birthday
Pagan> answer will probably be cock
Tandy> OW: We were just discussing Frosty's choice of nick ;)
OW> and??
Pagan> he's gay
Pagan> buy him a prius
OW> Pagan ... LOL
Tandy> LOL
Pagan> IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmGHEeeeiiiiii
OW> Bwahahahha
Frosty> lololol
Pagan> or a lil scooter....homohomohomohomohomohomohomo
Frosty> lol
Tandy> LOL

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