Funnier Than a 25yo virgin

Funnier Than a 25yo virgin
that still lives with his mother


Lots of rudeness, crudeness, and not nice words below

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Choc Flavour Anal Lube

Dog> i brush my teeth Red. Smells like mint
Redhead> oh okay minty fresh is guddd
Dog> you know what minty lube costs at Adult World
Redhead> Dog u buy toothpaste there?
Dog> no silly
Dog> but...
Dog> i will ask if they stock it
Redhead> oh okay
Dog> any special flav you like?
* Pagan pays attention
* Pagan hides the chocolate flavour anal lube
Dog> lolololol
Dog> think ill give that one a skip
Pagan> imagine their faces if you ask at the counter if they have any
Pagan> then act indignant when they say no
Pagan> hahahaha
Dog> lololol
Pagan> LOL!
Pagan> even better, ask the manager at spar
Pagan> hahahahahaha
* Pagan lols of his chair
* Dog joins
Pagan> then ask if they'll source it for you
Pagan> lol, shit thats funny

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