Funnier Than a 25yo virgin

Funnier Than a 25yo virgin
that still lives with his mother


Lots of rudeness, crudeness, and not nice words below

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vorsprung durch Technik - Audi

* Jellybean slaps Pagan
* Pagan hard now
Pagan> Yes?
Jellybean> um
Jellybean> who you talking to?
Pagan> *waits
Jellybean> waiting for?
Pagan> As far as i can see its just me and u here
* Jellybean slaps Pagan harder
Pagan> I likes
Pagan> Do u take requests?
Jellybean> sure
Pagan> Ok. Springs on your arms and legs
Pagan> Doggy style
Pagan> With a duck whistle in your mouth
Pagan) I call it 'audi'
Jellybean> lmao
Pagan> Four sprung duck technique
Jellybean> rofl

Drunk N Bored

* Bob1971 kicks Pagan
Raptor> ow!
Raptor> ow!
Dot> Awww.
* Pagan sets bob and dot on fire
* Dot hiding rathers Pagan in return
Pagan> Buuurn
Bob1971> Biatch
* Pagan gets hidinged
Pagan> Oh noessss
* Pagan draws a smiley face on Jellybean
* Pagan draws a smiley face on Cimarron
Cimarron> :)
Cimarron> :)
* Pagan writes HaaaaaaR! on Captains forehead
* Pagan writes 'i support bulls' on bobs forehead
Pagan> Thats a bad one hey
Pagan> Sorry bob
Jellybean> bob aint here Pagan
* Pagan crosses it out and writes 'ghei!'

Wanking hand

Shadow-Cat> someone cut off my left hand pls :/
* Pagan cuts it off
Hitman> lol why?
Pagan> *saves it for a new wanking hand
Pagan> lekker :D


ZaC> left hand on my but, rigth hand on my crotch
ZaC> u know evil Twista
Strawbs> lolol
Pagan> I prefer naked twister
Pagan> *with girls
Pagan> no fun practicing with mates
Strawbs> lol
ZaC> Pagan: i like any game involving nekkid girls
Pagan> if they had "naked girls" as a game show on tv....I'd watch it
Pagan> hell. they could have 45min of breathing competetion
Pagan> I'd be rivited to the screen
Strawbs> lololol
Ariadne> LOL
ZaC> Lmao Pagan, talk about gettin ratings


Widget> like ppl interpret big ears and noddy to be gay?
shug> they were
katz> widget lol but they r
Widget> jirrrrr
Widget> i'm fuckin scarred for life now
Pagan> lol they slept in the same bed. nuff said
Pagan> and they could hardly call the series noddy and big cock
Pagan> so big ears had to do
Widget> hahahahaahahahahHAHAHAHAHA
Tigress> pml@Pagan...I would have watched it if they had


Jellybean> hey im not dead you know
Jellybean> everybody has a dark and kinky side
Jellybean> :P
* Nita sniggers
Nita> kinkeh eh?
Nita> the kinkeh side involve girls? :P
* Nita runs
Jellybean> mebbe :P
Jellybean> mebbe not :P
Pagan> brb: hardon
Jellybean> lmao
Nita> o.O


* Nita tilts her head and looks at falcon
* falcon goes back to sleep
Pagan> nita. did u know u dont have to turn your head sideways to smile?
Pagan> tooooo much internetz for u young lady

Online wives

Richard> so we going to buy a wife online Pagan
Pagan> nah. I got a better plan
Pagan> I kick u in the balls. you buy me a house
Pagan> I save u alot of pain
Pagan> get it all over one shot


Munchkin> Nikka pagan says hes innocent what do you think
Pagan> dont ask her
Pagan> I shagged her
Pagan> she's biased
Nikka> Munchkin: Pagan has never been innocent :p
Nikka> LOL
Munchkin> Lol

Porn videos

Pagan> see. thats the problem with being in so many porn videos
Pagan> :/
Eden> being IN porn videos ?!
Eden> HUH ?!
Pagan> yeah. I've done one or seven vids
Eden> .......?
Pagan> lose count after a while
Eden> ........
Munchkin> Lol
* Eden faints
Pagan> actually, I've done so much porn now that I not only can cum on demand. I can ask what colour?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


tux> frosty is probably also: ImFrosty monkey FirmToys Maltese_poodle Cake ImaGuy Vladimir Dr_Frosty Himself DailyFixx ImHorny ImHorny9inches ImWhack Iwant1Too MoTsa Tjips PorkTjops Lord_Nelson Edward_Teach ImGhei ImHot FatAssUgly_MoFo FuglyMoFo DontPvtMe SoreAss FreeMe ImGay DilliGaf BullDog Toit Ima_Rake Ima_Clutchie WO The_Surgeon ImaShark Mr_Skank Sir_Skank JMSP ILikeToFluck Johnny_Bravo Frosty1000 Frosty999 _Frosty999 CarcharodonCarcharias Great_Wh
honey> shew
Pagan> um
Pagan> frosty dude
Pagan> your choice in nicks has a decidedly homoerotic undertones
Munchkin> Lol
ImFrosty> lolololo
Tandy> Undertones?
Pagan> umm
Pagan> well it is subtle
Pagan> but I'm getting that impression
Tandy> Mr Skank is subtle?
ImFrosty> lololol
ImFrosty> Sir skank
Tandy> ImHorny9inches <-- Subtle?
Munchkin> Lol
Tandy> SoreAss <-- And we won't even ask about this one :P
Pagan> hahaha
Pagan> pretty self explanatory
Pagan> must've been camping weekend
Munchkin> Tandy we would hate to see blatent by pagans standards
Tandy> lol
Tandy> Pagan has standards?
Tandy> That's new to me :P
Pagan> yesz
Pagan> vague ones
Munchkin> Lol
Pagan> but they there
Tandy> LOL
* OW has joined #hottub
* OW sings (in a deep and rich baritone) ... Happy Birfday to Yooooooooooooooo....
Pagan> just dont ask him what he wants for his birthday
Pagan> answer will probably be cock
Tandy> OW: We were just discussing Frosty's choice of nick ;)
OW> and??
Pagan> he's gay
Pagan> buy him a prius
OW> Pagan ... LOL
Tandy> LOL
Pagan> IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmGHEeeeiiiiii
OW> Bwahahahha
Frosty> lololol
Pagan> or a lil scooter....homohomohomohomohomohomohomo
Frosty> lol
Tandy> LOL

Monday, October 27, 2008


Chabal> is it just me or are u guys a tad horny
Pagan> lol @ tad
Pagan> we always horny
Pagan> I'm trying to invent a way to harness the sexual frustration in here as a energy source
Pagan> that'll fuck eskom
PerfecT_StrangeR> bwahahahahaha @ pagan

Hindian Fellow

CrazyLittleFukka> You gag the hindian fellow @ Pagan?
Pagan> I did
Pagan> I did
Pagan> I'm chooning u. every tom, dick and chetty that comes here has to act funny
Pagan> what kind?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thats just wrong

* HamsterPagan hands captain a orca dildo
* captain sells it on e-bay
* HamsterPagan bids 5dolla
captain> going once, going twice
captain> sold!
captain> to Cimarron
captain> :P
* HamsterPagan licks it
Mousie> Thats wrong
HamsterPagan> I'm good at that

Angry Sex

* captain gets the battery operated shock thingy out
HamsterPagan> Kinky
HamsterPagan> I saw that electro shock sex glove kit
HamsterPagan> Looks cool
captain> O.o
HamsterPagan> Angry sex rocks k
HamsterPagan> Angry masturbation not so much
captain> lol

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


vicci> ..
NawtyGnome> ...
* Pagan is now known as PaganPacman
PaganPacman> ....<......
PaganPacman> wicca wicca wicca

Anger Management

Pagan> yes please
Pagan> *hopes
* Pagan clothes fall off
OW> hehehehhe
* Tandy isn't turned on by easy men :P
OW> all on their own .... fantastic how that happens
* TaG Hands tandy some anger management flyers
Pagan> I got skills OW
Tandy> TaG: Its not anger. Its pure total and utter frustration :)
Pagan> HA!
Pagan> take them out on me
* OW looks at Pagan ... be difficult dude ... quick ... now's ya chance...
Pagan> please
Tandy> LOL
Pagan> I dont mind angry sex
TaG> Lol pagan
Pagan> sex is sex k


Widget> ok...the cia okes monitoring this room are all frantically recording our IP addresses!
* FBI ( has joined #naughtychat
FBI> we saw
FBI> @ Widget
* FBI ( Quit (User Quit: FBI)


* Pagan throws a jellytot at Nikka
* Munchkin steals Pagan jellytots
* Amaranth steals the jellytots from Munchkin
Pagan> lol. I wouldnt if I was u
Pagan> keep those in my undies
Nikka> hahahahaha
Amaranth> eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww
Nikka> those are dodgy jellytots
Pagan> and thats only cause I dont have a vagina to store stuff in :D
Nikka> eeeeewww lol

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

21st Century

* pussy ( has joined #naughtychat
* Pagan sets mode: +v pussy
RogerM> dam another pussy and i am allergic to hair
RogerM> i hope its a hairless pussy
Pagan> lol. in this day and age it usually is
Pagan> god bless the 21st century
RogerM> better than sneezing while chatting
Pagan> or those 80's pubic afro's
ItMightBeMe> hehe
deep> hahahaha


Tandy> mimi: Drop your caps please.
Pagan> Tandy: lose the clothes please
honey> lol
* Tandy smacks Pagan
* Pagan hard sommer for a week

Monday, October 20, 2008


Jellybean> i think you can buy them on ebay though Pagan
Pagan> what sex?
Pagan> u can buy them on point rd too
Jellybean> no man. a virginity
Jellybean> eish
Pagan> wtf am I gonna do with a virginity?
Pagan> I'll just lose it


Jellybean> cheating on me again Pagan, eish
* Jellybean tightens the leash
Pagan> lol @ cheating
Jellybean> :P
Pagan> someone must first actually get a grip on me before it can be classed as cheating
Pagan> right now its more like "time-share"
Zee> LOL
Jellybean> tsk


* Pagan is now known as IRCrab
Jellybean> you have crabs?
ToNiC> OMF lol lol lol lol lol
* Jellybean walks away from pagan
Jellybean> lol
IRCrab> :)
* IRCrab is now known as Pagan
Nita> crabs??
Nita> errrrrr
* Nita runzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Jellybean> and that smile admitted it
Jellybean> eeuw
Pagan> lol
Pagan> nah
Pagan> I'm STD free
Pagan> u need sex and stuff for that
Jellybean> oh and didnt you get laid not so long ago?
Pagan> oh ja
Pagan> I forgot about that
ToNiC> lol
Jellybean> lol
Greywacke> lol
Pagan> 2 weeks long enough for virginity to grow back?
Jellybean> lol no
Pagan> fuckit
Jellybean> sorry

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More Bulls

MaFiaMufFiN> ya dont love me
Pagan> no. but u dont need me, u got enough fans
MaFiaMufFiN> thats just wrong
Pagan> I cant help it
MaFiaMufFiN> jinne
Pagan> its that whole blue bulls thing
* MaFiaMufFiN pretendz 2 be like all hurt and stuff
suspicious> do blue bulls have blue......
* suspicious shuts up
MaFiaMufFiN> no
Pagan> I think they do
Pagan> cause I doubt they get laid
suspicious> lol
Pagan> unless they dress up like sharks
MaFiaMufFiN> ag issie
suspicious> *koff koff*

Monday, October 13, 2008

Blue Bulls Supporters

* MaFiaMuFfiN is now known as BullsBabe
BullsBabe> i have 2 show my support ;P
* Pagan is now known as TheOtherBullsSupporter
* Frosty is now known as ImaShark
BullsBabe> yay
BullsBabe> really
BullsBabe> you suck froyd
* suspicious hugs fellow shark...
TheOtherBullsSupporter> its ok BullsBabe
TheOtherBullsSupporter> lets make babies
BullsBabe> hehehe
TheOtherBullsSupporter> then there will be three bulls supporters
suspicious> lmao
ImaShark> LAMFAO
BullsBabe> ahhah


* TheOtherBullsSupporter is now known as Pagan
Pagan> nah. I'm just kidding
Pagan> bulls really do suck
BullsBabe> :/
BullsBabe> awww
ImaShark> lol ^5 Pagan
BullsBabe> i dont like you anymore :P
Pagan> I dont do the whole 'sport' thing
BullsBabe> oh
ImaShark> lol :(
BullsBabe> so you might aswell be a bulls !!
Pagan> you all wanna watch grown men chase balls around a field....thats your homoerotic funfair
Pagan> not mine

Friday, October 10, 2008


MaFiaMuFfiN> Pagan your a lil slut
Pagan> you say it like its a bad thing
Pagan> besides, sluts get laid more
Pagan> I'm just easy
Frosty> lolol

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dumbass award of the day

kevin213> hey people
Pagan> drop the bolds please kevin213
kevin213> pagan ur an idiot! sayin my name out full and shit. whats ur prob punjabi
Pagan> um
Pagan> dude
serialkissingchick> o.O
Pagan> you're a fkn idiot
SheDevil> O.o
Pagan> thats your nick

~~~~~~~~~~~a lil while later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hellllllllo> yo PAGAN guess whos back you silly punjabi
* Pagan sets mode: +b *!*
Pagan> HAHA
Pagan> dumbass
Pagan> now I got your IP
Pagan> you're muted
Pagan> and you're STILL a dumbass
Pagan> pvt me to apologise
Nicola> what a complete and utter poephol!!
DiVa> bwhhahahahhahaha

Monday, October 6, 2008

Me so horny

Pagan> dude
Pagan> u know how u know when a chick is keen
Pagan> when u finally get your hands in her pants
Bob1971> Ja
Pagan> and it feels like u feeding a horse
Pagan> THATS horny
Nita> omw Pagan yuck
Bob1971> Ja hey very horny
Jellybean> lmao omwwwwww no man pagan

Lezbian skills

Pagan> it was nita. her lezbian tracking / hunting skills arent up to speed
Bob1971> Yup
Bob1971> Not quite honed
* Nita snorts at Pagan
* Pagan licks her on the nose
Pagan> see
Pagan> thats how u do it
Nita> lol
Nita> yar yar Pagan
Nita> i don't lick NOSEs
Pagan> only vaginas?
Pagan> cool
Nita> can think of a few better.. omw, no
Pagan> u learning then
Nita hsurrups
Pagan> ^5
Nita> *shurrups
Nita> oi
Pagan> thats not a no though
Pagan> I notice these things


killer> shit strawbs your tites must hand past ya kneed
killer> knes
killer> knnes
killer> knees
Pagan> wow
Pagan> 4 tries
* Pagan says nothing


killerj> how do i get rid of it
killerj> dude i have a ghost nick
Pagan> ./msg nickserv ghost nick pwd
Pagan> ^--thats how killer
Pagan> without the .
Pagan> and proper spelling

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Not Gay? Oh Nooooeeess

enchanted> hi ppl
Director> Hi enchanted
enchanted> hi director
enchanted> so director are you male or female?
Director> Male
Director> About yay high, with brownish greenis blueish eyes
enchanted> im a male too
Director> Wow - small world
enchanted> but im not gay
Director> Not? Awwwww
enchanted> eww so ur gay?
Director> Well this is a gay site
enchanted> hottub is a gay site
enchanted> ?
Pagan> Sweetie
Pagan> Didnt u know
Director> Gay as is happy...
enchanted> no
Director> With mens bits in our mouths
Pagan> Tralala and stuff
enchanted> o m g i so hottub is a gay chatroom?
Pagan> They all say that
enchanted> all say what?
Director> Maybe u knew, and just wanted to try it out enchanted?
Pagan> At first
Pagan> Oh nothing
Pagan> Just thinking aloud
enchanted> nooooooooo
A> hmm enchanted sound a little gay..but is ok..we won`t notice
enchanted> anyway im gonna find a normal chatroom
Pagan> And i got all excited
Director> Lol
Director> Good luck
enchanted> or my parents would freak out if they find out
Pagan> We'll be here a while
Director> We're as close as u get to normal
Director> Lol - ur parents?
enchanted> yes unfortunately i still live with my parents
Director> theyll freak when they find out ur gay...
Pagan> Need a place to stay?
enchanted> nooooo
Pagan> Sure?
enchanted> when they find out i was in a gay chatroom
Director> but at least the cat will be out the bag...
Pagan> Ask director. I'm very nice
enchanted> im NOT GAY
Pagan> Oh
Director> Enchanted - we were just joking
Pagan> Um
Pagan> Lol ja
Pagan> Actually
enchanted> about what director?
Director> This isnt a gay site
Pagan> Lets be normal
enchanted> phew
Director> We're just happy
Pagan> Sorry dude. We got carried away
enchanted> carried away?
Pagan> Was funny though
Director> So ur big bad cock loving secret is safe with us...
enchanted> u should have seen my friend on camp this weekend
Pagan> I love these "my friend has a problem" things
enchanted> noooooooo im pussy loving
Director> Hehe
Pagan> Arent we all
Pagan> *wise nod
Director> ^5 enchanted
Director> It was a joke eh bud?
enchanted> oh sure thats what they all say
enchanted> until u find them laying down on some guy at the camp
enchanted> and by the way the camp had a male only section and female onlyh
enchanted> only*
Director> Um enchanted...
enchanted> yes?
Director> Which camp
enchanted> ags christian camp
Pagan> *makes note not to go there
enchanted> lol
Pagan> Eish haibo