Funnier Than a 25yo virgin

Funnier Than a 25yo virgin
that still lives with his mother


Lots of rudeness, crudeness, and not nice words below

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Smelly Cat

Twinkles> Shadow-Cat: I'm sorry but your nick always make me think of Phoebe from friends smelly cat song
bittersweet> i have a cat named smelly cat
bittersweet> haha
Pagan> lol
Pagan> wonder why
Pagan> well
Pagan> smelly cat better than stinky pussy
bittersweet> haha
thedude> hahahahaha
Pagan> imagine standing at your door shouting for stinky pussy to come home
mimi24> lol Pagan
Vixen> bwahahahahahahahahah Pagan Nooit man
mimi24> nasty boy u
Twinkles> lol
bittersweet> no Pagan it was a stray and when we got it smelled really bad

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Sinful_Allure> .
celtic> .
solo> ..
Trouble> good point
celtic> ...
solo> ....
Pagan> ......<.......... <-PaganPacman WICCA WICCA WICCA
chicpea> lol!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Phate> I've never had sex with another human before
Pagan> lol phate
Pagan> u got the same problem as me
Pagan> I really need a gf who's name doesnt end in .JPG
Phate> oh, that
wendz> lol
Zee> hahaha
Phate> yar, I know the feeling
Phate> Lately I've upgraded my woman though
Phate> No more .jpg kak
Phate> Now I'm cruising in the .flv lane
Pagan> I'm just waiting for i-max porn to take off
Pagan> 40 foot vagina in startling HD
Pagan> thats gotta rock
killer> hahahahahaha
Phate> woaw, i-max pr0n
Phate> Dude
Phate> that's hot
Pagan> is hey
Pagan> a clit bigger than me....
Pagan> *drool
Phate> zomg
Phate> I need to go to the toilet
Phate> for about 2 mins
Pagan> brb: hardon
wendz> lmfao
Zee> hahahahahahaha


Phate> Nobody can mock lesbians man
Phate> They just rock
solo> They just rock ..but they dont take c**k
Pagan> all I wanna know is how do u pronounce c**k?
Pagan> doesnt quite roll of the tongue
Phate> Casteriskasteriskk
Phate> Kind of sounds like dwarfish from tolkien
Pagan> so "suck my Casteriskasteriskk" is right?
Pagan> eish
geisha> lololololol


Vixen> k, I am bored
Pagan> I'll do u Vixen
Vixen> Pagan, givin that u wud do anybody... thats hardly a compliment
Pagan> lol
Pagan> ok
Pagan> I'll do u twice then
Pagan> hows that?
Vixen> PERFECT!!!
Pagan> once normally
Pagan> and once in the bum
Vixen> No man

This is why u dont paste your phone number on IRC

lifeguard> any woman that wants to chat with me here my no 0762945949
Gorge> omG
Gorge> lets all phone him
lifeguard> ill blow your mind
* lifeguard was kicked by Pagan (no)
SheDevil> omg spam the number spam the number
* mimi24 wondering y lifeguard sellin himself cheap
zoe> lifeguard that is just dumb :)
* Pagan changes topic to 'I'm ghei and like it in the bum. cheap rates and group discounts. 0762945949"
Vixen> bwahhahahahahahhhahahahahhaha
SheDevil> omg bwahahaha @ topic
geisha> wahahahahaaa :) @ Pagan
Zee> hahahahahahahaha

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Pagan> I always say "I'm not an asshole. you're just overly sensitive"
bulletproofbikini> lol
max> and does that work for u Pagan?
Pagan> not really
Pagan> but I'm an asshole
Pagan> so I dont care
max> lol
THEkayotic1> lol

Monday, February 9, 2009

VERY friendly hugs

Pagan> shoosh @ Hannah
* Pagan moves Hannah 5 spots down his to-do list
* Hannah bursts into tears and hangs on Pagan's legs
Pagan> lol Hannah. a VERY friendly hug might do the trick
Pagan> u know what a VERY friendly hug is?
Hannah> no
Pagan> thats where u hug my legs and have your way with me
Hannah> HAHA
Hannah> one VERY friendly hug coming right up
Pagan> groovy

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Light beer

* killer hits vixen up a savanah with some ice on the side if she needs some
Vixen> lemon wud be beta
killer> nah wiskey is for people who like alchohol
killer> not people who pretend to drink who drink savanah
Vixen> :P
Pagan> lol killer
Pagan> like that light beer shit
Pagan> thats not for people that like drinking
killer> ya castle light
Pagan> its for people that like pissing alot
Vixen> lol

Cold sucks

alphamale> in days like choc does the trick
killer> nah fucking does the trick
killer> then a cigarette and hot chocalate after the shag
Pagan> lol
Pagan> bet eskimos dont fuck much
Pagan> or their chicks get killed alot by cumcicles
Jemma> hehe
killer> hahahahahaha

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dr Pagan

tamtam> Dr Pagan? bwhahah
Pagan> tamtam
Pagan> lemme take your temperature
Pagan> looks like you're hot
Pagan> and you've got a choice today :)
Pagan> anal or oral?
* Pagan unzips and pulls out his thermometer
tamtam> hahah Pagan
Ahlana_Demona> whahahaha pagan
Hannah> hahaha
tamtam> guess it will be oral then :P
Pagan> suits me